ا لينك الجروب















In your opinion, what does the old educational system look like? Some say it's kinda good for some students and some say it's bad (١اسماء جمعه)

Opinions about this system have become abundantly clear. Some say that it is good, and others say that there must be change, but the prevailing is the traditional system because it depends entirely on the teacher.

(اميره خيري ١)


What is the prevailing method of teaching that the teacher mainly depends on in this educational system?(٢اسماء جمعه)

The method of teaching in this system is fixed and does not change, as the teacher is mainly relied on in this educational process and his commitment is fully to the book containing the knowledge material only (اسماء)



Well, what are the modern educational means used in this educational system? 

(Well لا اله الا الله)

The modern education system is completely dependent on modern technology, which has made the education process easier

Tools include computers, internet, and phones(امال )


How do you think students are encouraged to think and be creative?

In the new education system (ايمان)

Frequently searching for information from various sources that help him to ascertain and quickly understand. (اميره خيري ٢)


From your perspective, what are the modern teaching methods used in the new education system?(ايمان ٢ )

Visual tools such as images, which are educational tools that support the teaching process, serve to clarify certain information, facilitate understanding and assimilation among students, and help to establish information among students.

It's a means of hearing like a video through which a science film is seen or an idea is illustrated, and the video may be audio-only or audio-visual.(اسماء ٢)

How easy is the modern education system for students in terms of education, information and training?(اميره خيري ٣)

I believe that the modern education system, with its new, sophisticated and different educational tools, has become popular in getting information, understanding it well and training it very easily.(اسماء ٣)

Can you tell the difference between the old and the modern education system?

In terms of the teaching route of the teacher in each?(ايمان ٣ )

The teacher in the old education system had to prepare the course from the textbook and explain the goals and lessons without any increase or decrease without allowing the student to search for information.

Unlike a modern teacher, he helps a student get information by helping him look for it and know it well. (اسماء اخير)